The Northern Lights, also known as aurora borealis, are created by the Sun's atmosphere, which blasts particles into the protective magnetic field surrounding the Earth. 北极光来自太阳大气层,是太阳的激烈活动爆发出粒子进入了地球的保护磁场而出现的自然现象。
Scientists say the Northern Lights, a natural phenomenon called aurora borealis, is created by the sun's super hot atmosphere, which blasts particles into the protective magnetic field surrounding the Earth. The magnetic field forces the particles toward the north and south poles. 科学家解释说,北极光是一种由太阳超高温大气层所引起的自然现象。来自太阳的带电粒子闯入地球周围的保护性磁场后,地球磁场迫使它们向南北两极运动。
Some of them reach the earth and cause spectacular light displays like the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights. 其中有一些可以传送到地球,引起像北极光这样光影奇观。
Contrary to widely held belief, the aurora borealis is not strictly a phenomenon of winter lights in the Arctic. 与人们的共识相反,北极光并非仅仅是北极冬季里的光亮现象。
Rays of "Aurora Borealis" It looks spectacular in the skies of Alaska. 在阿拉斯加的上空看到的北极光是很壮观的。
Aurora Borealis ( Northern Lights) colours the night sky through a silhouetted forest. 北极光染红了夜空,透出了森林的轮廓。
The northern lights, known as the aurora borealis, is one of nature's most dazzling spectacles. 北方的光,也就是北极光,是大自然中最耀眼的奇观之一。
Next winter, we'll be taking a trip to Alaska to see the aurora borealis! 明年冬天,我们要去阿拉斯加看北极光。
And they've said the beam leaves an Aurora Borealis effect. 他们说这个放射线就会留下北极光效应。
In many years, that includes trips to Alaska to fire rockets into the aurora borealis in an attempt to study the phenomenon's scientific principles. 在许多年中,即包括前往阿拉斯加到火的北极光,试图研究这一现象的科学原理火箭。
Here we can see a magical astronomical landscape-the aurora borealis. 在这里我们可以看到一种神奇的天文景观&北极光。
A leggy evergreen looms over a stretch of Arctic boreal forest as light from the aurora borealis paints the night sky emerald green. 一株常青植物在北极圈的北方针叶林中独树一帜,隐现在被北极光染成翠绿色的天空下。
An emerald green aurora borealis veils the sky over the North Pole. 翡翠绿的北极极光就像被北极天空罩上了一层薄纱一样。
In the Northern Hemisphere, the phenomenon is called aurora borealis, or northern lights. 在北半球,这种现象就是所谓的黎明的女神,或北极光。
The aurora borealis, caused by solar wind particles accelerating along Earth's magnetic field, would have been visible as far south as present-day New York City. 太阳风离子随着地球磁场的运动加速,其产生的北极光今天在遥远的南方城市纽约城都可看到。
Life in Color: Green The northern lights, or aurora borealis, produce a brilliant display in the skies near Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada. 生活的色彩:绿色。北极光,或黎明的女神,制造光辉的显示在空中靠近耶洛奈夫。西北部的加拿大的领土。